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2019 Fall Training Update

This fall, the Desired Results Access Project is working on some exciting changes to the DRAccessReports System that will greatly enhance the system and make it easier for special educators to produce meaningful DRDP reports.

The training on "Using DR Access Reports" is postponed until the enhancements are in place – once they are, you’ll receive the training on the new features. We will keep you informed of the progress.

In the meanwhile: You can still produce reports! Create an account and download your fall DRDP (2015) results at

Also note: If you have not yet taken the required course (PS or IT), "Using the DRDP (2015) for Special Education," you must complete it by 12/31/2019. You can register to take it now at The Learning Center,

Training Report Fall 2018

In August 2018, the California Department of Education, Special Education Division began requiring that all special education DRDP (2015) assessors complete a training program to increase the accuracy of the DRDP (2015) data. This report describes the results of the first six months of this new training requirement.


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