Embedded Instruction for Early Learning - California


About Embedded Instruction for Early Learning-California

The Embedded Instruction for Early Learning-California is funded by the California Department of Education, Special Education Division and carried out in collaboration with the Desired Results Access Project and the Anita Zucker Center for Excellence in Early Childhood Studies at the University of Florida. The Embedded Instruction grant ties the Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) assessment to curriculum and instructional practices to strengthen the relationship between assessment and instruction and provides planned and intentional instructional teaching practices for children with disabilities.

Embedded Instruction is an approach to instruction that provides opportunities for preschool children with IEPs to learn alongside their peers in everyday activities in inclusive classes. It has been shown through research to promote child engagement and learning in everyday activities, routines, and transitions (Snyder et al., 2018).

For children who need more targeted or individualized learning supports in inclusive classrooms, a growing body of research has shown that job-embedded professional learning using Embedded Instruction and selected embedded Pyramid Model practices provided to teachers and other related support personnel that includes Practice-based Coaching improves their implementation of effective practices (Snyder, Hemmeter, and Fox, 2022).

Learn About EIEL-CA

Overview of California's implementation of the Embedded Instruction for Early Learning, including theoretical and conceptual background and research findings.

2023 Special Education Division grantee application form for participation in EIEL-CA.

For more information

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